What is Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)?

And How It Helps

CoQ10 is naturally orange and found in most cells in the body. CoQ10 helps support cellular energy production in the mitochondria – the powerhouses of most cells. The highest concentrations of cellular mitochondria are found in the hardest working cells in the body, such as the heart, making CoQ10 an important nutrient to help support heart function.

Moderate amounts of CoQ10 are found in foods, but the primary source of CoQ10 in the body is produced by the body itself. CoQ10 levels decrease with age and some cholesterol-lowering statin drugs can reduce CoQ10 production, which is why supplementing may be helpful to replenish CoQ10 levels in the body.

How Statins and CoQ10 are related?

Although muscle pain and discomfort is common when taking statins, some people experience more serious problems, including something known as rhabdomyolysis. This process occurs when muscle cells break down. As muscles collapse, a muscle protein is released into the bloodstream. This in turn can cause severe kidney problems.

In a study published in the American Journal of Cardiology, researchers indicate that coenzyme Q10 seems to decrease muscle breakdown and reduce pain and discomfort on people taking statins.

Coenzyme Q10 deficiency may occur due to disease, low dietary intake, or high CoQ10 use by the body. Symptoms of deficiency include heart failure, high blood pressure, and chest pain. Depending on the cause of deficiency, supplementing with CoQ10 or increasing dietary intake may be effective.


Without the assistance of technology Q10 is poorly absorbed

One of the biggest challenges associated with Q10 as a supplement is that the substance generally is not readily absorbed by the body. Q10 in other words, has a low bioavailability. The Q10 molecule is a relatively large molecule and this is the main reason for its poor absorption in the body and as a result of its molecular structure, it is fat soluble.


Most documentation on ubiquinone

Q10 is found in two forms. An oxidized form called ubiquinone as well as a reduced form called ubiquinol. Ubiquinol is also marketed as active Q10 although ubiquinol isn't more active than ubiquinone. The form of Q10 we produce in our cells, is the oxidized ubiquinone. Also Q10 from our food is predominantly the oxidized form. When we absorb the oxidized ubiquinone from the intestine it is automatically converted to reduced ubiquinol. In the blood and lymphatic system 90-95% of Q10 is in the form of ubiquinol. In the cells' energy-producing mitochondria Q10 alternate continuously between these two forms, a feature that is crucial for Q10s effects in the body.

Therefore, it is of minor importance what form of Q10 you consume, your body will still convert the oxidized ubiquinone to reduced ubiquinol. To date, almost all documentation on efficacy and safety are done with the oxidized form, ubiquinone.

Ubiquinone = oxidized Q10
Ubiquinol = reduced Q10



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